Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I saw this today...

I just wanted to take a moment to address a story about my recent weight loss that began circulating today. This story led people to believe that I shed 25 lbs (pounds) by not eating, which is completely ridiculous.

“I am a mother of three young children, two of whom are girls and I’m trying to raise them with a healthy body image. It’s taken me almost a year to lose close to 25 lbs and I did it through healthy diet and exercise. So yes, I’m a bit smaller, but still curvy and 100% healthy and proud of my body and the time it has taken me to undergo this personal journey for myself.

“I’m not one of those ‘superstar moms’ who lost all their baby weight in a week. So, yes, I’m upset about the innuendo because I just can’t win. In the past year there have been numerous rumors about my weight – first I was attacked for being a size 10, now I’m anorexic?

“I’m a real woman and I represent real women. I believe that people are beautiful at any size, color or weight. The way this article was promoted is unfortunate – what a silly way to sensationalize a story, especially when you know young people will be reading it. There must be more accountability in reporting, especially considering the far reaching impact on girls and young women who are exposed to this kind of misleading information on a daily basis. What kind of example is that setting for them?”
I just wanted to take a moment to address a story about my recent weight loss that began circulating today. This story led people to believe that I shed 25 lbs (pounds) by not eating, which is completely ridiculous. “I am a mother of three young children, two of whom are girls and I’m trying to raise them with a healthy body image. It’s taken me almost a year to lose close to 25 lbs and I did it through healthy diet and exercise. So yes, I’m a bit smaller, but still curvy and 100% healthy and proud of my body and the time it has taken me to undergo this personal journey for myself. “I’m not one of those ‘superstar moms’ who lost all their baby weight in a week. So, yes, I’m upset about the innuendo because I just can’t win. In the past year there have been numerous rumors about my weight – first I was attacked for being a size 10, now I’m anorexic? “I’m a real woman and I represent real women. I believe that people are beautiful at any size, color or weight. The way this article was promoted is unfortunate – what a silly way to sensationalize a story, especially when you know young people will be reading it. There must be more accountability in reporting, especially considering the far reaching impact on girls and young women who are exposed to this kind of misleading information on a daily basis. What kind of example is that setting for them?”  Kimora Lee Simmons

OK... let's be real. Celebrities, on average have about 10% body fat (according to a celebrity trainer I saw on TV :) ). Healthy body fat percentage for women is in 20-33% range. So these already under fat women are then photoshopped, dressed in the most flattering clothes money can buy and for some reason, we real life women, who don't make any money off looking good, compare ourselves to them. I have to ask... what the hell is wrong with us?! 

When did it become sexier to be scary skinny than healthy? Why do we hurt ourselves by either over or under eating because we don't look a certain way? 

When I started getting healthier, my friend asked me what my goals were. My number one goal was to be healthy to set an example for my daughter. I never, ever want her to look at herself and hate what she sees. I never, ever want her to be defined by the size of her jeans or the number on the scale. I wanted my daughter to see me being healthy and have that just be what we do in this house. And I truly believe having that as my goal, not wanting to be skinny, or sexy, or look like Jennifer Aniston, has been what has kept me focused. 

I hate that it seems like hardly any woman I know can look at herself, no matter what size she is and say "I look DAMN good!" Because we are all so beautiful! We are mothers who give 110% of ourselves ALL the time! We are wives who build our husbands up and carry their burdens on our shoulders! We are sisters that love each other through cancer, and raising children, and the deaths of siblings, and substance abuse and pain and yet we KEEP ON GOING. We keep on LOVING. And ladies, no matter what you look like, no matter how much cellulite or juggly mama belly you have, I gotta tell you... YOU LOOK DAMN GOOD! 

Give your children, nieces and friends the legacy of health. Set an example of loving yourself. Eat right, excercise, and don't compare yourself to celebrities. If you ever feel unpretty, think about what your best friend or sister would say about you. I bet the last thing that would ever come out of her mouth would be "fat" or "ugly", right? Love yourself the way your best friend loves you. She sees the beauty in you, inside and out. And if your in doubt, shoot, give that girl a call, tell her to come over for a cocktail and a pep talk! And give her one in return!

Celebrate ALL of you!

God bless you today and be kind to yourself!

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