Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Next Goal

Yesterday I was talking to my best friend about fitness, and health (BIG props to Megan Tooker! She's running her first full marathon next week and I am SO proud of her!). We were talking about how proud we feel that we have achieved some of the goals we set out for ourselves. And I shared with her something that I still struggle with, that I would like to get over. 

See, I'm not skinny. I never have been, I never will be. I'm not fat... I'm fit, I'm healthy, I look and feel pretty good. BUT. When I'm at the gym, I'll be working out, and feeling pretty good and then BAM! A girl smaller than me will come in. And I'll feel jealous. I'll see her talking on her phone while walking slowly on the treadmill, while I'm doing sprints at an incline behind her and I'll think "Good Lord, this is so unfair!" 

It kind of goes off my last post. I have this mental image of what is beautiful (basically, what the media has shoved down my throat) and since I don't measure up to that with my flat chest and big booty, I must not be as beautiful. Right? C'mon ladies, say it with me: WRONG!

So I've posted some picture of gorgeous, strong, fit, not skinny women. Women I can look at and say "yes, I CAN look like that!" These women are just like me, and maybe just like you. 

I'm not saying there is anything wrong at all with being small. God made us in all shapes and sizes. If you are blessed to have a small frame, girl, enjoy it! All I'm trying to say is that those of us with bigger bodies need to feel just as beautiful and strong and sexy as our smaller sisters. Amen. 

So here you go, my friends. Please don't compare yourself to them. Be inspired by them!  Don't say "it's not fair I don't look like that", say "if she can have that amazing shape, I can too!" This isn't meant to be de-motivational! It's meant to show HEALTHY is beautiful and sexy, not any particular shape or size! 

FitnessHealthy body fit bodyamen to thatbe kind to yourself!