Friday, December 30, 2011

I've over induluged

My husband's best friend and pregnant wife came in from out of state and stayed with us this past week. Do you think I ate healthy? That would be a big fat noooooooo...

From pizza to Cuca's to Taco Surf to Old Spaghetti Factory to Frugo's to lots of alcohol and sweets, my diet was not the norm for me this week. Am I a failure? NO! Do I need to beat myself up for 1 week of overindulgence? NO! Here's why...

First of all, I worked out harder this week knowing I would be eating all the yummy treats. It didn't balance out calorie wise, but it helped.

Second, I recognize that I am a woman who loves food, loves friends, and putting the two of them together for several days in a row wasn't sabotage, it was FUN!

But I AM ready (well, after my New Years Eve/ Birthday Bash tomorrow that is!) to detox my body. You might be feeling the same way. So here are some ways that I detox.
Another note: sweets are basically the crack of food. Once you go down that road you want it all the time! If you are craving sweets continually, try upping your intake of heart healthy fats. I recommend Garden of Life Omega 3 oil and Barlean's Essential Woman oil. Both of these companies are reputable based on where they obtain their ingredients (what's the point of taking fish oil that comes from contaminated fish?) as well as the quality of their ingredients. They are both a little on the pricier side, but I feel it's worth it, having tried other brands :) Both of these types of oils work to feed the part of your brain that gets stimulated by the sugars in sweets. OK, on to the detoxes...

Cranberry Vinegar Drink
This is my FAVORITE detox drink. The taste at first is quite unpleasant. But this drink is wonderful! It helps your kidneys and liver flush out the toxins. I drink 5 glasses of this a day for about 4 weeks when I'm detoxing. I swear by it... you'll have more energy, your skin will look fresh and you won't be as hungry for unhealthy food. You also won't be gassy or bloated.  Here's what you need:

Unsweetened Organic cranberry juice ( I get mine at Trader Joe's). This is NOT cranberry cocktail, it is pure cranberry juice. I use a shot glass to measure out the juice, pour it into an 8 oz glass.
Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. You can find this at Stater's or Von's in the health food section. Trader Joe's also sells one but the taste is slightly off to me. You will pour a capful of this into the glass.
1 Whole Lemon. Squeeze all the juice into the glass. Top the glass off with water.

Dandelion Root Tea
You can find this tea at any health food store, such as GNC, Vitamin Shoppe or Clarks. It takes some getting used to taste wise. You can drink it 3 times a day. It is also good for cleaning out the kidneys and liver.

Juice Fast
Some people swear by doing a juice fast, where you use a juicing machine to extract the juices from fruits and vegetables and drink only that for up to 2 weeks. I've tried it, but personally I need food! I see the benefits of getting so many nutrients from all the fruits and vegetables. If you try it, be sure to research some recipes and check out the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. I'd love to hear from you if you decide to try it out.

Have you tried a detox that you enjoyed? Please share it with me!!

By the way, my New Year's Resolutions are to do weight training 2 days a week and to have more fun with my kids and HUSBAND! What are yours?

Be Kind to Yourself!

Monday, December 26, 2011

New Year... Same you, only Better!!!

Now that Christmas is over, your thoughts may be turning to New Years. Many of us choose weight loss, or a healthier lifestyle as New Year's resolutions. These are great things to aspire to, but the problem is that they are pretty vague. Most of want to lose a few pounds, but don't know how. Many of us would like to live a healthier lifestyle, but there is so much conflicting information that again, we don't know how. 

I'm going to give you a few tips and some information that has helped me. I have lost 45 lbs this year... 65 lbs since having my son. So while I'm no expert, I do have some advice that works!

OK, food. Isn't yummy food hard to give up? I know for me it is. And it's unrealistic to give ALL the yummy yummy carbs, fats, chocolates and meats up. So don't. Jillian Michaels advises to use a 70/20/10 program. Eat as close to perfectly as you can, 70% of the time. Eat pretty well 20% of the time. And splurge 10% of the time.

But what does eating perfectly mean? There is a lot of information I could give you, but frankly it is confusing and complicated. The sanest way I have found is simple: use 9" plates for your meals. Fill half the plate with vegetables. Fill 1/4 of the plate with lean protein (eggs, chicken, turkey, fish or lean pork). And fill the last 1/4 of your plate with complex carbs, such as 1/2 piece of whole grain bread, brown rice, ect. And then have a whole piece of fruit with your meal as well. THAT'S IT! Don't get confused by Atkins, Raw Foods, or any other diet. Just keep it simple. No one gets fat from too many vegetables or fruits. 

Don't waste your time on 100 calorie packs. They are expensive, over processed and your body doesn't recognize it as fuel. If you want to splurge, that 10% of the time, do it right. Get your favorite ice cream, pizza or chips and dip and do it. Then forget about it and get your biscuit outside for a run. Enjoy your treats, don't feel guilty about it. But only do it occasionally! 

Working out is the other complicated thing. I see girls at the gym talking on the phone while on the treadmill. I see them on the machines lifting 10 lbs. While it's great that an effort is being made, that kind of effort will not get you fit. At all. You have to sweat! The amount of time you work out isn't as relevant as how sweaty you are after. Basically, if you still look good, you aren't doing it right! PUSH yourself constantly... it's the only way you will continue to lose pounds. Our bodies are AMAZING and can get used to anything pretty quickly. You have to up your intensity every 2 weeks or so to keep seeing results. Taking a break every 6 weeks will give your body time to recharge and reset your metabolism. 

There are lots of "couch to 5K" sites on the internet that are a great way to get you started with a workout. There are also lots of great videos using your "on demand" feature on your tv. If you have a gym membership, check out the classes. Talk to the trainers who aren't with a client, they can show you how to use the machines if you don't know how. I hate to say it, but you can't get fit if you don't work out! 

Drink 8 oz of water a day for every 10 lbs you weigh. 

I truly believe that loving yourself means treating your body right. My hope for all of us women is that we can be the best we can! God has given us each individual, amazing gifts. By being healthy and fit, we can spend less time thinking about what we wish we were, and more time focused on what we know we can do! 

Be kind to yourself! 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Italian Chicken Sandwich Recipe

Being married to a firefighter means I often don't have my husband at home to help me wrestle with the kids when I make dinner. So dinners in my house have to be easy, quick and healthy. 

Before I give you my first recipe, let me say 2 things about how we eat in our house...
1. We LOVE food. So everything I make has to taste good, or my kids won't eat it. 
2. I don't count calories. After my 5 year old asked me how many calories were in her shampoo bottle, I found it wasn't worth it for me to worry about the amount of calories I was consuming. BUT since I still want to be my healthiest, this means I have to watch what I eat very carefully, balancing whole, God-made food with appropriate portions. 

So this is my recipe for Italian Chicken Sandwiches. I've also included 2 side dishes to go with it. Hope you like it! This serves enough for me, hubby, 5 year old and 18 month old.

(I do my shopping at Trader Joe's so everything listed is their brand)

1 jar of Brushetta
1 loaf of par baked fresh bread
1 chicken tenderloin per person (2 or 3 for hubby). Marinate for a few hours in the juice of 1 lemon, a little olive oil, garlic powder and black pepper. 
1/2 a bell pepper, sliced
1/4 red onion, sliced
about 1/8 of a skim milk mozzarella ball, finely shredded

Heat oven to 350 degrees
In a frying pan, heat a small amount of extra virgin olive oil over medium high heat. Add the onions and bell peppers and cook until crisp-tender. 
While the vegetables are cooking, slice the bread in half lengthwise and hollow out the bread. Top the bottom half with about 1/3 of the jar of brushetta. 
Once the vegetables are cooked, remove from heat, and cook the chicken in the pan.
Top the brushetta with the vegetables, then the cheese. Place the chicken widthwise on the bread (this will make it easier to slice).  Top with the top half of the bread. Heat in the oven on a cookie sheet for about 10 minutes, until bread and brushetta are hot. Once heated, slice along each chicken tenderloin to make the sandwiches. 

Side Dishes

Parmesean Zuccini
Slice 2 zuccini width wise, into coin shaped slices. Place on a foil lined cookie sheet and lightly spray with cooking spray. Dust with parmesean cheese. Cook under the broiler for about 7 minutes, until cheese is melted and zuccini are warm. 

Caprese Salad
1 tomato for each person
about 1/16 of a mozzarella ball, finely shredded
fresh basil (3-5 leaves per person)
olive oil
basalmic vinegar
salt and pepper

Slice each tomato and place on a plate. Top with the mozzarella. Stack the basil leaves one on top of another and roll into a tight, cigar shape. Slice the basil so you end up with little "ribbons". Top the mozzarella. Drizzle a little olive oil, vinegar and salt and pepper over the top. 

Let me know how you like the recipe! 

Be kind to yourself!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Beauty Is...

This blog is starting from a pin I saw on Pinterest...

A picture of a very, very skinny girl, with large augmented breasts. The caption read: "You'd really rather eat that chip than look like me? That's sad. And pathetic."

And then Kate Moss' famous quote: "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".

And women posting pictures of women who's rib cages are literally sticking out, their kneecaps are wider than their legs and putting this up as "inspiration".

If you have met me, you know that I am passionate about empowering women. We are so strong, so gentle, so beautiful. How has is come to pass that we are killing ourselves to be thin? How have we, being as smart as we are, bought into the idea that in order to be happy we have to look a certain way? And that certain way  rarely happens naturally? 

This blog is as much for all my sisters as it is for me. A weekly encouragement that we are beautiful as we are. That no number on the scale can reflect how much we are worth. I will be posting healthy recipes, work out tips and encouragements. And I ABSOLUTELY welcome anyone else's tips and encouragements as well! 

Chips are delicious, just don't eat them everyday. 
Nothing tastes as good as HEALTHY feels.
Inspiration should be found in the friend that's survived cancer; the mother who sacrifices for her children; the sister that ran a marathon.

Be kind to yourself!